About us

Transformational Leadership

Development is more than just a consultancy firm; we are your dedicated partners on the path to leadership excellence and organizational transformation. Led by our CEO, Karen Harris, a seasoned Operations Strategist with over 29 years of experience in Senior Leadership and Executive roles, we embody a profound commitment to empowering leaders and elevating organizations.

Empowering Leaders
Servant Leadership
Customized Solutions
Proven Expertise

Our Journey Began With A Simple Yet Powerful Belief

Since our inception, we’ve believed that leadership, when cultivated with compassion, integrity, and a commitment to adding value, can drive positive change and achieve remarkable results

We’re Dedicated To Our Mission!

Our mission is to support your leadership journey with personalized care, hassle-free service, and a commitment to helping you thrive. Karen Harris personifies this philosophy, having played pivotal roles in the growth and success of numerous individuals and organizations she has had the privilege to mentor over the years.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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